UHPFRC post-conference tour

Objectives of the course:

The course aims to demystify the calculation of UHPFRC structures and give designers all the tools to design innovative alternative solutions that fully use UHPFRC performance.

After a brief history of UHPFRC development and an overview of recent innovative structures, the course will recall the basic principles of characterization and behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete.

These principles allow to explain the behaviour of UHPFRC and provide very simple first tools for safely pre-dimensioning UHPFRC structures.

The course will continue with a fairly complete presentation of the standard for the design of UHPFRC structures (NF 18-710) and an example of application on a pedestrian bridge.

Target audience:

The training is primarily intended for engineers, students and researchers involved in the design and calculation of structures:

- Teachers, researchers

- Project managers, design offices, control offices,

- Construction companies: technical management, method office and exe studies

Course program:

9:00 am – 9:30 am welcome of participants at Polytech Nice Sophia Antipolis 9:30 am

– 10:10 am: Brief history of the development of UHPC; general presentation of French recommendations and standards (J Resplendino – JB Pastor & Fils)

10:10 am – 11:15 am: Some examples of high-performance variants in UHPC (A Simon – AEVIA)

11:15 am – 11:30 am: Cafe Break

11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Reminder of the characterization and calculation of fiber-reinforced concretes – Transposition to UHPC – Simple rules for the pre-dimensioning of thin and thick elements in UHPC (J Resplendino – JB Pastor & Fils)

12:30 pm – 2 pm: lunch

2 pm – 3:15 pm: General presentation of the NF P 18-710 calculation standard (G Généreux – Cerema Méditerranée)

3:15 pm – 4:30 pm: Application of NF P 18-710 - UHPC pedestrian bridge variant (G Généreux – Cerema Méditerranée)

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Question Exchanges and conclusion of the day

5:00 p.m. End of the day

Location of the course: https://polytech.univ-cotedazur.eu/campus-life

Registration: AFGC website


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