Professor Kefei LI of Tsinghua University will give a keynote at the #fibsymposium2025!
His presentation will focus on "Sulfate attack on structural concretes: from microscopic mechanisms to engineering modeling".
Dr. Kefei Li works in Civil Engineering Department of Tsinghua University as tenured full professor, and principal investigator (PI) of the research group of building materials. His research fields include the physical and mechanics of cement-based materials, the durability of concrete materials and structures and the life-cycle engineering of concrete structures. He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers and serves in the editorial boards of Cement and Concrete Research, and Materials and Structures. He is presently a senior member of fib – International Federation for Structural Concrete – Fédération Internationale du Béton (expert), RILEM Association (fellow in 2023), and IABSE - International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (deputy delegate).
Dr Véronique Bouteiller (University Gustave Eiffel) and Dr Patrick Rougeau (CERIB) will give a common keynote at the #fibsymposium2025!
Their presentation is entitled: "Performance-based approach, durability of low carbon concrete and corrosion: contributions of the French national project PERFDUB and the DECADES and DECISION scientific groups"
Dr Véronique Bouteiller is a senior researcher at Gustave Eiffel University in France. She has more than 20 years of experience in the following scientific fields: reinforcement corrosion in concrete, laboratory and field corrosion diagnostics, and implementation of electrochemical treatments for the repair of reinforced concrete infrastructures. She has been the coordinator of the French DeCoF-Ré project of the Ile de Ré bridge and is leading the stainless steel project and the corrosion health monitoring contract. She has participated in several research projects such as ANR MODEVIE and the French national PerfDuB project.
Dr Patrick Rougeau has 30 years of experience in the domain of R&D concerning construction materials with hydraulic binders, new types of concrete (ultra-high performance concrete, low carbon footprint concrete…) and their durability (performance-based approach and modelling). Responsible for the material and circular economy unit of CERIB (R&D centre for the precast industry). Coordinator of the French standardization committee “Low carbon footprint concrete” and European standardization committee CEN TC 229/WG4 "Products which do not warrant a specific standard and could be referred to in specific standards".

V.N. Heggade will present the following keynote at the #fibsymposium2025: "Design and Construction of Bridges in India: lessons for practice to safe design"
V.N. Heggade , the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of STUP (India) & former Executive Director of Gammon (India) is presently the founder and CEO of ‘DECon Complete Solutions’. He has varied experience of 4 decades in Construction sector in the areas of Design, Construction, Site, Project and Contract Managements of Highways, Bridges, Energy, Environmental, Marine and Hydraulic structures. He is a recipient of 17 National recognitions in addition to 2 International recognitions, IABSE Prize-2002 and fellowship from fib. He has more than 210 publications and is presently serving as a chief editor of ING-IABSE journal ‘Bridge & Structural Engineer’ and is on editorial board of ‘Structural Concrete Journal’ of fib.

Dr Elisabeth Marie-Victoire (LRMH) will present a keynote at the #fibsymposium2025: "The challenges of diagnosing and restoring historic concrete"
Elisabeth Marie-Victoire achieved materials sciences engineer and materials chemistry PhD degrees from Orsay and Jussieu French Universities. After 3 years working for CPP as a research engineer, she joined in 1997 the Laboratory of Research on Historical Monuments (LRMH), from the Architecture and Heritage department of the French Ministry of Culture. She first integrated the metal department, and she created in 2004 the concrete department that she is heading for 20 years. Her fields of expertise are identification, diagnosis, conservation and restoration of historic concretes. She is providing field diagnosis and conservation advice for French-listed concrete buildings, and she is developing with her team research on three main topics: ancient cement identification, corrosion and moisture diagnosis, and conservation treatments. She teaches art historians, conservators, and material science masters, but also architects, in France and at an international level (China, ERASMUS…).
Professore Beatrice Belletti (Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma) will give a keynote at the #fibsymposium2025: “Structural capacity assessment of PC members subjected to different corrosion-induced damage scenarios”
Professore Belletti teaches Dynamic Analysis and Seismic Design of Structures, Fire Safety Engineering and Structural Fire Resistance and Structural Engineering. She has supervised about 100 MSc theses BSc theses and PhD students in Civil Engineering at the University of Parma. She is member of CEN/TC250/WG6 Project Team WG6.T2: Robustness Rules in Material Related Eurocode Parts (from 2018 to 2021), member of Commission CEN/TC250/WG6 Robustness (from 2018 to present), chairperson of National Standard Body Group on Robustness (UNI/CT 021/GL 06 "Robustezza"), member of the writing panel of JRC S&P Report “Guidance on the Design for Structural Robustness”, member of the writing group of CNR-DT214/2018: Guidelines for the robustness assessment of structures (from 2016 to present), member of UNI/CT 021 "Ingegneria strutturale" (Structural Engineering), member of fib Commission TG3.2 fib: Existing concrete structures (from 2012 to present), convenor of fib WP8.8.2: ULS verification under chloride- and carbonation-induced deterioration (since 2024), member of writing panel of CNR-DT216 on safety assessment of corroded structures; member of CEN/TC 250/SC 10/WG 4 "Assessment and retrofitting of existing structures” (from 2024). She is co-chair of the international workshop CACRCS DAYS: Capacity assessment corroded reinforced concrete structures.

Stephan Schumacher and Dr Thierry Lassabatere from ANDRA will give a keynote lecture on "Concrete for Cigéo: How to design the civil engineering for long-term geological disposal of radioactive waste?"
Stephan Schumacher holds an engineering degree from the Nancy School of Geology. After five years spent developing scientific software, he joined Andra in 1996 to work on performance and safety assessment, then on the long-term behavior of radioactive waste (vitrified waste, graphite, etc.), before heading the department in charge of studying radioactive waste and repository materials (clay materials, cementitious materials, metallic materials, ceramics). He became Deputy Director of R&D in 2018, where he was involved in the preparation and launch of the EURAD European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management, before becoming Director in 2022. With over a hundred employees, the division draws on exceptional research resources, such as the Meuse/Haute-Marne underground research laboratory.

After a degree of civil engineering from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts de Chaussées (ENPC), in 1991, and a PhD doctorate in “mechanics and materials” carried out in the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC) in 1994, Thierry Lassabatère worked as a research engineer for the CEA Saclay, from 1995 to 1999, then engineer-researcher at EDF R&D from 1999 to 2009. Along all these experiences, he mainly worked on the long term phenomenological behaviour of a geological repository, especially under its thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) point of view, before becoming in charge of overall engineering design studies, first for EDF within its Fuel Cycle Division (DCN), and finally with Andra, as Deputy Technical Director (2016-2020) and then Operational Director in charge of the construction of Cigéo Phase 1.
